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Outside General Counsel & Legal check-up
IP & Immaterials Check up

This is a service aimed at verifying the level of protection (i.e. the possibility of protecting oneself in the event of appropriation / copying by third parties) of the company's technological, commercial, image (and in general intangible assets) assets.


It is divided into four operational phases:


1)  Preliminary check.


- identification of existing relevant company information, both technical and commercial;

- identification of the points of origination of technical and commercial information;

- identification of the intangible key factors of the corporate image.


2) Verification of corporate security and protection tools.


Examination of:

- patent, trademark, design portfolio (and related file history);

- company and personnel regulations;

- privacy regulations and 231;

- access policy to company IT systems;

- contracts with employees.


3) Verification of security levels towards external parties.


Examination of:

- contracts with customers;

- contracts with suppliers;

- contracts with external collaborators and service contractors.


4) Drafting of a final report that :


- assigns a rating company (A +, A, B, C, D, E) which expresses the level of protection of the intangible asset;


- identifies any critical issues relating to the protection of intangible assets and indicates the areas in which action must be taken to improve the rating .

IP & Immaterials Assets

This is the IP & Immaterials Check up service, focused on one or more specific intangible assets indicated by the customer (for example the brand image , a company brand, a specific technology, a specific product or service, etc.).


Also in this case it ends with a report that assigns a rating to the security of the asset and identifies any critical issues relating to the correct protection of that same asset, indicating actions to improve it.

IP & Immaterials Secure

It is an optional package, which can be added to the previous ones or be activated independently.


It consists in the implementation of the appropriate legal means to protect all intangible assets the company or one or more specific intangible assets indicated by the client.


At the end of the implementation of the measures, a report is issued with a rating, possibly illustrating the reasons for the difference compared to the rating previously attributed with the check-up package.

IP & Immaterials Value

It is an optional package, which can be added to the previous ones or be activated independently.


It consists in identifying the economic value of the company's intangible assets (or of one or more specific intangible assets).


The value - depending on the case - can be determined both on the basis of the balance sheet valuation and in anticipation of any sales or extraordinary transactions.

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